Wednesday 1 April 2009

Our publicity flyer for Le pescatrici is now printed and we hope will attract suitable attention when it's distributed shortly.  Possibly the fish 'n chips image is a little British for an opera set in Taranto on the south coast of Italy, but we have carefully posed them on an Italian newspaper. Anthony Hall, our truly wonderful friend in Bampton who, along with equally marvellous Mike Wareham, builds scenery and drives vans, is an excellent photographer and was certainly intrigued by the challenge.  Local chippy in nearby Carterton provided a more photogenic model than upmarket Waitrose in Witney - as Anthony said, "probably something to do with the greasy sheen".  The Italian newspaper unfolded an appropriate surprise when Anthony later came across an article about what Italian visitors to London might expect to eat - complete with a photograph of fish and chips!

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